Dirty Diamonds Bohemian Blonde - BLONDIE
(INT NORD FI UCH Kifani's Kamili Biko By Eros x NJV-11 N UCH Hunting Prides Etosha Etana)
Born 14.05.2014
HD: A - - - AA: 0
EOAD: Clear --- JME: N/N --- DM: N/N
Character tested - Gun Shot proof

Updated 22/04/2019  
Blondie is born out of two of my favourite dogs. Her father Biko is a large, very well constructed gentleman, and mother Selma is a smaller bitch with her feet on the ground. Blondie was our choice in a litter of 15 (!), and she is a real charmer!

Blondie is a positive and loving Ridgeback, with all the enthusiasm and affection you can wish for - and then some <3


Blondie has been mated and we hope for puppies in June 2019. You can read the Blondie Blog here 
