(Clayride Alex x S N Uch NV-99 Emoyeni's Liveable Little Babe)
Kennel Shangaza, Elverum, Norway
Latest news in norwegian only...
9. November, National Dog Show, Kongsberg
Tootsie, Shangaza's Appetite 4 Destruction, won her class and became 2. best bitch with CC, her fourth! She now has nine placements in Best Bitch, and we are very proud of her and send our congratulations to her owners, Bente, Hilde and Lars!
27. October, National Dog Show, Skedsmohallen
Sulis, Shangaza's Adventure O'Sulawezi, won her class with Tootsie, Shangaza's Appetite 4 Destruction, on second place, both with honour price. Sulis won open class and gained her second CC, and she ended up 3.bitch in Winner Class, Tootsie became 5. best bitch with ResCC.26. October, National Dog Show, Skedsmohallen
Tootsie, Shangaza's Appetite 4 Destruction, won her class and became 2. best bitch with CC, her third so far! Sulis, Shangaza's Adventure O'Sulawezi, became second in her class and ended up 3. best bitch with ResCC.
6. October, International Dog Show, Fredrikstad
Tootsie, Shangaza's Appetite 4 Destruction, picture, won her class and Open Class and gained her second CC, and then she finished BOS with CACIB! Diamondridge Diplomat was BOB of 41 entries. Congratulations!
28. September, National Dog Show, Skedsmohallen
Tootsie, Shangaza's Appetite 4 Destruction, won her class and became 2. best bitch with ResCC.29. September, National Dog Show, Skedsmohallen
Sulis, Shangaza's Adventure O'Sulawezi, won her class with Tootsie, Shangaza's Appetite 4 Destruction, on second place and Lita, Shangaza's African Sunrise, on third, all with honour price. They then placed as first, second and third in Open class with CC and ResCC's, and ended up as 1. 2. and 3. Bitch in Winner Class!Kennel Shangaza finally obtained honour price in Breeding Class - a great day for all of us!
8. September, SKK Show in Sofiereo, Helsingborg, Sweden
Zeke, Shangaza's All That Jazz, won Open Class with Res CC! Congratulations to Maria and Henrik!
11. August, on an international show in Oslo, Ludvig, picture, Shangaza's Ask For More, became 4th in juniorclass. Sulawezi, Shangaza's Adventure O'Sulawezi, became second and Tootsie, Shangaza's Appetite 4 Destruction, third in junior class.
28.July Tootsie, Shangaza's Appetite 4 Destruction, became the first of our "puppies" to win CC! It happened in Moss, judge Nete Wunsch from Sweden. Tootsie ended up BOS, and her sister Sulis, Shangaza's Adventure O'Sulawezi, became 2. best bitch with ResCC.
27.July in Moss,Sulis, Shangaza's Adventure O'Sulawezi, won Juniorclass with Tootsie, Shangaza's Appetite 4 Destruction on 2. place, both with HonourPrice. Sulis ended up as 3. best bitch with ResCC.
30. June Tootsie, Shangaza's Appetite 4 Destruction, entered a international show in Trondheim. She won Juniorclass with HonourPrice, and ended up as 3. best bitch with Res CC. Judge was Niels Brandstrup from Norway.
19.May: Norwegian Ridgeback Special onSoug Camping
Lita, Shangaza's African Sunrise, won JuniorClass and was placed as number 3 in winnerclass with ResCC! Sulawezi, Shangaza's Adventure O'Sulawezi, got the price for Best Ridge.
23. February: NKK Show in Bø, Judge Harald Aune
Tootsie, Shangaza's Appetite 4 Destruction, was the first of the "small ones" to enter the real show ring, and with very good results aswell! She won the Junior class with honour price, and became 4th best bitch with CK (Champion Quality).Amageba's Ekevu Maendelezo was BOS, and Kangelani's Delela Dekela was BOB. Congratulations to the winners, and to Bente, Hilde and Lars, not to mention Tootsie herself, of course! More news about Tootsie on Bente's homepage
Results from the last puppy show for this litter:
16. February: Skedsmohallen, Judge Terje Lindstrøm
Male, 6-9 months:
Nr. 1 and BOB: Masithela's Famous Akinzo by WoodyBitches, 6-9 months:
Nr. 1 and BOS: Shangaza's African Sunrise, "Lita" (picture)
Nr. 2: Shangaza's Adventure O'Sulawezi
Nr. 3: Ahali Fani's Luhna
17. February, Skedsmohallen, Judge Rune LysgaardMale, 6-9 months:
Nr. 1 and BOS: Shangaza's Ask For More, "Ludvig"Bitches, 6-9 months:
Nr. 1 og BOB: Exgate's Masked Madame
Nr. 2: Shangaza's African Sunrise, "Lita"
Nr. 3: Shangaza's Appetite 4 Destruction, "Tootsie"
2. December Zeke, Shangaza's All That Jazz, was BOB and BIG-5 on a show in Göteborg, Sweden! Judge Inga-Britt Johansson.
Same day "Lita" and "Sulawezi" (picture) entered a puppy show in Tønsberg. Judge Harald Aune.
Results from the show:
Male, 4-6 months:
Nr. 1 and BOS: Masithela's Famous Akinzo by Woody
Nr. 2: Exgate's MelvinBitch, 6-9 months:
Nr. 1 and BOB, BIG-4: Shangaza's Adventure O'Sulawezi
Nr. 2: Shangaza's African Sunrise, "Lita"
Nr. 3: Maridadi's Kamili Malozi
Nr. 4: Shavano's Changa Shani
28. October, Skedsmohallen, Judge Tore Fossum Results:
Male 4-6 months:
Nr. 1 and BOB: Masithela's Famous Kanzi by Woody
Nr. 2: Shangaza's Attention Please, "Macho"
Nr. 3: Shangaza's All That Jazz, "Zeke"
Nr. 4: Shangaza's Ask For More, "Ludvig"Bitch 4-6 months:
Nr. 1 and BOS: Shangaza's Adventure O'Sulawezi
Nr. 2: Shangaza's Appetite 4 Destruction, "Tootsie"
Nr. 3: Shangaza's African Sunrise, "Lita"
Nr. 4: Shangaza's Absolute Beginner, "Lea"
27. October, Skedsmohallen, Judge Liv Ramsjø
Male 4-6 months:
Nr. 1 and BOB: Exgate's Melvin
Nr. 2: Masithela's Famous Kanzi by Woody
Nr. 3: Masithela's Famous Akinzo by WoodyBitch 4-6 months:
Nr. 1 and BOS: Shangaza's Appetite 4 Destruction, "Tootsie"
Nr. 2: Exgate's Masked Madame
Nr. 3: Shangaza's Adventure O'Sulawezi
Nr. 4: Shangaza's African Sunrise, "Lita"Bitch 6-9 months:
Nr. 1: Shavano's Changa Chili14. October, Karlstad, Sweden
Zeke, "Shangaza's All That Jazz" became BOS, and a bitch from Djungelkatten Top Ridged-litter was BOB. Congratulations!
September 29th seven of the puppies entered their very first puppy dog show. The Judge had a hard time ranking them, but this time they were placed like this:Male, 4-6 months puppies:
Nr. 1 and BOS: Shangaza's All That Jazz, "Zeke"
Nr. 2: Shangaza's Ask For More, "Ludvig"Bitches, 4-6 months puppies:
Nr. 1 and BOB + BIG-2: Shangaza's Adventure O'Sulawezi
Nr. 2: Shangaza's Absolute Beginner, "Lea"
Nr. 3, Shangaza's Appetite 4 Destruction, "Tootsie"
Nr. 4, Shangaza's Angel In Desguise, "Sabina"
Nr. 5, Shangaza's African Sunrise, "Lita"