S u l i s
Updated 17/05/05: This Page
Shangaza's Adventure O'Sulawezi![]()
I was born here, at Åsheim, in May 2001. They called me BabyBabe in the beginning because I looked a lot like my Mum Babe as a newborn. After a while they had a hard time finding a proper name for me, so they ended up with Sulawezi (which is a bit hard to remember for most people...!) Now they call me "Sullis" or "SulAWEZIIII!!!!" (I actually prefer the short version...)
I have grown into my very own personality, and I look quite different from my mother aswell. Mum says I'm perfect in my way - and I guess she must be right :- )![]()
The best of friends; "uncle" Olav and Sulawezi summer '05Pictures of me as a puppy