K e n n e l   S h a n g a z a
R H O D E S I A N  R I D G E B A C K
by Linda Wolden, Rånåsfoss, Norway

The English Gentleman Lex
Ferdinand and Babe's Father
LexZhelina and Lex,- Ferdinand's parents
Lex, or GB Ch NSUCh Jespah Alekzandr of Janak, came from England in '95 to live with Susan and Tor and their dogs at Madahiro's Kennel. Lex is a ridgeback in every sense -- calm, dignified and proud, arrogant towards strangers but well known for his intense kisses amongst his pack members. Lex has offspring's in England, Australia, USA, Sweden, Italy and Norway.


In 1994, one year old, Lex was the first Ridgeback in England to become Best In Show in a Championship Show (all breeds)
Same year he was the most winning RR in England, and in 1996 he was the most winning RR in Norway.
Pictures from Dog World.
Lex in the show ring at Crufts 1995 - two years old

Lex on a stroll in the forest - Skaun, Sør-Trøndelag

Coming soon - Pictures of offspring's

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